Simplify  Organize  Enjoy

Many people are overwhelmed by clutter in their homes. At Simplify Organize Enjoy, my therapeutic approach helps you let go of things you don't need so you can be overjoyed by the life you love.

Photo of Deborah, laughing joyfully, holding a crystal lotus flower

Hi, I'm Deborah! A therapeutic professional organizer dedicated to helping people go from overwhelmed to overjoyed!

Go from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed

Has clutter taken over your life? If you are overwhelmed by your stuff, can't find your stuff when you need it, or can't invite people over because of your stuff, you've come to the right place.

As a professional organizer I help busy people like you to Simplify and Organize your stuff and space, so you can Enjoy your life!

You will be overjoyed when the clutter and guilt are gone, the things you need and love are organized beautifully, and you have space and time to live your best life.

My approach to professional organizing is healing, therapeutic, and spiritual. I believe we are fearfully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose: to give our unique gifts to the world. I have experienced first-hand how *our stuff* gets in the way of this higher calling. I have also experienced first-hand how *dealing with our stuff* absolutely transforms our lives and launches us into deeper joy, deeper love, and deeper meaning in everything we do. 

Once I got free, I had the clarity and space to see that I was being called to help set other people free. Since then I have been helping so many people to deal with their own stuff; to let go of the things they don't need, to organize and respect the things they do, and to live more fully and deeply into their unique life's calling. I help people make time, space, and energy for what  is most important to them. If you're ready for a healing, soulful transformation, I'd love to help you too.

Start by taking the first step - it's a huge step but it's so easy - schedule a free consultation today. Fill out the form with your info and when you're available, and I'll call you right back. We'll talk about your stuff, how you think it's holding you back, and what you'd love to see change. I'll ask you some questions, we'll get to know each other, and I'll give you a customized plan for moving forward. 

I really honor the fact that asking for help is a huge step. This is such a personal topic; your hopes and dreams are precious, your stuff is private, and your space is sacred. I'm a Social Worker by training (Bachelor and Master of Social Work) and I conduct my professional organizing sessions with the ethical standards of the National Association of Social Workers. 

There's no shame, no blame, and no judgement in my approach. I offer practical help, coaching, emotional support, encouragement, and plenty of prayer. My personal transformation taught me that our God "is able, through God's mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." (Ephesians 3:20) If you're ready to accomplish exceedingly, abundantly, more than you could ask or imagine, contact me today.

You can change your life today; I can help.

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed

I understand how it feels to walk into a room and be overwhelmed by the stacks of to-do's, the piles of projects, and the boxes of guilt. You turn around and walk right back out of the room, shutting the door behind you!

Your time, space, and energy are too valuable to keep living like this. The people in your life are too important to be pushed out by stuff. Your time is too important to waste another day feeling weighed down by the responsibility of caring for stuff you don't use, need, or want. Your thoughts are too important to waste any more time thinking about what on earth to do with all this stuff. You deserve a clean, functional space, with belongings that support you, and bring joy to your heart. 

I will help you process through your belongings; letting go of guilt, shame, limiting beliefs, and negative self-talk that holds you back. I will help you find and honor the things that bring joy to your life: your gifts, your relationships, your spiritual walk, your deep work, and your higher calling. I will help you make space for a life you love.

A life you love is waiting for you:



"My laundry room pulled me down and filled me with dread. Stuff on the floor, piles everywhere, stuff in the way - I couldn’t find what I needed. I bought doors for the room so I wouldn’t have to look in there.

Deborah held my hand, listened to my concerns, validated my feelings, and warmly nudged me to accomplish what needed to get done.

Now my laundry room is my happy place! It’s full of joy and I often don’t even close the doors anymore because I love looking in there. This investment was truly, truly worthwhile! It makes me happy every single day!"

-Marilyn, Brookhaven


"I was overwhelmed and immobilized by the task of moving from a large house I had lived in for 26 years to a small condo. Deborah’s optimistic and always positive presence lifted much of my burdened feeling from the very beginning. Deborah did the work while I sat comfortably and gave instructions to “keep” “give away” or “throw away.”

Deborah was SO helpful in every way and I am sure that emotionally and physically, I would not have been able to make the move without her invaluable help.  I recommend Deborah to anyone who wants to feel better about their relationship to the "stuff" surrounding them and how to arrange it and have a better relationship with it."

-Mary, Decatur


"Deborah Carter has helped me clean out so many things in the last year. I had a closet of my late husband's clothes that I was unable to address. In her caring way, so sensitive to my feelings, we emptied the closet and distributed the clothes for someone else to enjoy wearing. Loving tears shared for my loss and smiles for wonderful memories.

Deborah takes all the giveaway stuff to the appropriate center for reuse. She repackages and labels whatever I am keeping. Treasures are sometimes found for me to enjoy.

I love my time with Deborah; she is a kind and loving person. And we are not finished yet."

-Beth, Lake Claire


"When my mother died I was totally overwhelmed with the amount of stuff she had, but even more so with the quantity of papers to go through. I used Deborah's services on three occasions during a three year period of trying to clean out 69 years of clutter and important things too. Not only did she help me organize and purge, but taught me how to appreciate what an item's purpose was and that it was okay to let it go once that purpose was accomplished. This freed my mind from agonizing over every little item. I feel so much better now that the task has been accomplished, and can now move on with my own life."

-Cherri, Stone Mountain


"Deborah helped me take my office from a messy storage space to a usable office space in three hours time. And she helped me see the possibility of connecting my tiny office to the great outdoors that I love so much."

-Cindy, Pine Lake